Jul 2, 2015

On average one fatality per year

In Sweden, the risk of a few percent of all adult severe allergic reactions after bee or wasp stings. Each year a person dies after becoming wasp stung.

For those who have severe insect allergy works vaccination with bee or wasp allergy usually very good. Over 90 percent of those with wasp allergy and 80 percent of those with biallergi will be greatly improved vaccination treatment, says Professor Christer Janson at the University Hospital Lung and Allergy Clinic.

At the hospital allergy reception is currently about 50 people the five-year vaccination, treatment with purified bee or wasp venom. That's more than double the figure of ten years ago.

- The increase is primarily due to a growing awareness that this treatment is available, not on bi- and getingallergikerna would have been more, says Christer Janson.

So far there is no method to determine in advance which risks having such serious reactions to bee or wasp stings that they should be offered vaccination treatment.

- It is true that every tenth person allergy antibodies against bee or wasp poison in the blood, but most of them will still not get any severe allergic reaction if they become bi- or getingstugna, says Christer Janson.

For bee and wasp allergies , it can be vital to have cortisone pills and adrenaline syringes on hand should they be stung.

- But after vaccination treatment, most avoid having to have with that kind of treatment, says Christer Janson.

Not only people with insect allergies may be helped by the long-term vaccinated with precisely the substance they do not tolerate.

At the University Hospital undergoing today about 250 people some form of allergy vaccination, usually against björkpollen-, grass or cat allergy.

- So far, there is no established vaccine treatment for peanut allergy and other food allergies, says Christer Janson.
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