Jul 1, 2015

Abul R. Badran's "Al-Ahram Gate": hands stretched out to all intellectuals and Egypt need for a renewed speech

his new post as Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Culture, despite the eloquence and professional competence and track record of scientific and research achievements, and his posts in several prestigious awards from the Arab and local competitions ..

There was also a fear that it holds thought the governor was reflected in his interest in heritage and documented, despite the accumulated experience of his visits intensive for many European countries, and brief him on the more successful Western experiences, but progress paced to the Board Confidence excessive, its potential efficiency and tender and knowledge, and multiple talents an academic and poet and writer, and his ability to turn words to deeds, an ingredient that chosen on the basis of the Minister of Culture, Dr. Abdul Wahid of the Prophet, which is reassuring to him.

Interestingly, that with all this, he did not know the order of his candidacy to the high cultural office only from the press, and some friends intellectuals, even ordered commissioning received officially in a phone call days ago, issued a ministerial decision scar from his alma mater to take over the Supreme Council of Culture Secretariat, and assume a position he held greats Egyptian culture before.

It's Dr. Mohamed Abou El Fadl Badran, an Arabic language professor, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of South Valley, coming from the ends of the level of Qena specifically, to Cairo central capital of the Egyptian culture, carrying a large legacy of the language daad, many enlightening ideas, dreams that restores their development Egyptian society, culturally, to counter extremism, religious extremism and terrorism, which sees that he will not have mercy on anyone, if the creators did not come together in different walks of life, hand in hand, to resist with weapons debate civilized, new visions, and constructive criticism, which builds and destroys.

"Bwabhalohram" I went to him quickly, and conducted a comprehensive dialogue with him, and a hot, unique to this prolonged meeting after taking office the new hours.
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