Jul 1, 2015

Sonia notice When the "tiger mother" will produce to Singapore

Sonia very pregnant belly to enter the labor stage, the 1st to attend the pre-production and finally a public endorsement, she said OK to the Singapore production, that local relatively quiet, and the bilingual environment for child development, and intends to natural birth, the tendency is not particularly playing birth needle. But to Singapore to be before, and her husband Tony is expected to re-plan a trip to a small tour, as the last "two of the world 'Valentines Day Memorial.
Asked if he had discussed with her husband, the child's education? Sonia said that compared to Tony, he must be "bad cop" role, also describes himself will be "tiger mother", for example, let a child fall himself stand up, Tony listened scared address him: "Ni Hao cruel. "

Sonia belly is not very limited, still wearing a mini skirt, high heels on stage, she was pregnant since about 10 kg fat, baby grow ahead of schedule, and now has more than 2,000 grams. Has not yet started to assign the baby room, did not purchase baby supplies, but she says with a laugh also has received a gift from a bunch of friends and number to son may wear finish.
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